
SignIn·Enroll·Ifyoudon'talreadyhaveaccesstotheIntel®FPGASelfServiceLicensingCenter(SSLC),enrolltogetanaccount.·Thisenrollmentformis ...,IntelFPGASelfServiceLicensingCenterUserGuide.YoucanperformthefollowingtasksusingtheLicenseAssistant:1.Findandgeneratelicensethroughthe ...,2020年12月14日—Thisdocumentdescribeshowtodownload,install,andlicenseIntelFPGAsoftware,includingtheIntelQuartusPrimesoftwa...

Intel® FPGA Self Service Licensing Center

Sign In · Enroll · If you don't already have access to the Intel® FPGA Self Service Licensing Center (SSLC), enroll to get an account. · This enrollment form is ...

Intel FPGA Self Service Licensing Center User Guide

Intel FPGA Self Service Licensing Center User Guide. You can perform the following tasks using the License Assistant: 1. Find and generate license through the ...

Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing

2020年12月14日 — This document describes how to download, install, and license Intel FPGA software, including the Intel Quartus Prime software.

Intel® FPGA Licensing Support Center

SSLC is an online portal provided by Intel® to manage and administer FPGA software licenses. It offers a convenient and centralized platform for users to access ...

我無法註冊Intel® FPGA自助授權中心(SSLC)

After registering at the FPGA Self-Service Licensing Center, it takes several minutes for your account and credentials to be populated in our system. If you ...

How to register for the Intel® FPGA Self

2023年4月18日 — Sign in to License Center ... 1. Go to the Intel FPGAs & Programmable Devices home page and click the human icon on the top right of the screen.

How to get a new license for Intel® Quartus® Prime, IP and ...

2023年3月6日 — SelectIntel® FPGA Self Service Licensing Centerfrom here. My Tools menu. A sign-in page for the License Center appears. Click [Already ...